Most people believe that marketing and advertising is the same thing. All though both marketing and advertising is very important they are in fact also very different. Knowing the difference can be of great help towards your success in online business.So let’s try to define what marketing and advertising is, and look at the very definitions of these to often misunderstood words.
Advertising:Non-personal, paid communication such as newspaper, radio, direct mail and TV directed toward the general public or, in some cases, specific prospective client groups to provide information about the time, place, contents, and arrangements of an auction
Marketing:The activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.It is not hard to understand why these marketing and advertising often get confused, or that some people think it both are the same thing. So let’s have a closer look.Advertising is the simple and single component in the marketing process. It is about letting people know about your product or service you are offering. To do this you need to place an ad in a medium as newspapers, direct mail, billboards, television, radio, and of course the Internet. This also inlcudes the making of the ad. This is very often the most expensive part of a marketing plan.
Advertsing is a part of marketing! Marketing is a process that takes time, and can take days to research to make it effective. Marketing holds all the market research, media planning, distrubution, pricing, sales strategy, customer support etc. All this things must be arranged to work together to accomplish the best result possible.I’ve seen several times marketing described as a pie where advertsing is just a slice, along with the research, planning and so on.
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